Section: Research Program

Meshes and scalable discrete data structures

Participants : Luca Arpaia, Cécile Dobrzynski, Algiane Froehly, Cédric Lachat, François Pellegrini, Mario Ricchiuto.

Dynamic mesh adaptation and partitioning

Many simulations which model the evolution of a given phenomenon along with time (turbulence and unsteady flows, for instance) need to re-mesh some portions of the problem graph in order to capture more accurately the properties of the phenomenon in areas of interest. This re-meshing is performed according to criteria which are closely linked to the undergoing computation and can involve large mesh modifications: while elements are created in critical areas, some may be merged in areas where the phenomenon is no longer critical. To alleviate the cost of this re-meshing phase, we have started looking into time dependent continuous mesh deformation techniques. These may allow some degree of adaptation between two re-meshing phases, which in theory may be less frequent, and more local.

When working in parallel, re-meshing introduces additional problems. In particular, splitting an element which is located on the frontier between several processors is not an easy task, because deciding when splitting some element, and defining the direction along which to split it so as to preserve numerical stability most, require shared knowledge which is not available in distributed memory architectures. Ad-hoc data structures and algorithms have to be devised so as to achieve these goals without resorting to extra communication and synchronization which would impact the running speed of the simulation.

Most of the works on parallel mesh adaptation attempt to parallelize in some way all the mesh operations: edge swap, edge split, point insertion, etc. It implies deep modifications in the (re)mesher and often leads to bad performance in term of CPU time. An other work  [54] proposes to base the parallel re-meshing on existing mesher and load balancing to be able to modify the elements located on the frontier between several processors.

In addition, the preservation of load balance in the re-meshed simulation requires dynamic redistribution of mesh data across processing elements. Several dynamic repartitioning methods have been proposed in the literature  [55] , [53] , which rely on diffusion-like algorithms and the solving of flow problems to minimize the amount of data to be exchanged between processors. However, integrating such algorithms into a global framework for handling adaptive meshes in parallel has yet to be done.

The path that we are following bases on the decomposition of the areas to remesh into balls that can be processed concurrently, each by a sequential remesher. It requires to devise scalable algorithms for building such boules, scheduling them on as many processors as possible, reconstructing the remeshed mesh and redistributing its data.

Funding and external collaborations. Most of this research has started within the context of the PhD of Cédric Lachat, funded by a CORDI grant of EPI PUMAS and was continued thanks to a funding by ADT grant El Gaucho that completed this year. The work on adaptation by continuous deformation has started with the PhD of L. Arpaia and benefits of the funding of the PIA project TANDEM .

Graph partitioning and static mapping

Unlike their predecessors of two decades ago, today's very large parallel architectures can no longer implement a uniform memory model. They are based on a hierarchical structure, in which cores are assembled into chips, chips are assembled into boards, boards are assembled into cabinets and cabinets are interconnected through high speed, low latency communication networks. On these systems, communication is non uniform: communicating with cores located on the same chip is cheaper than with cores on other boards, and much cheaper than with cores located in other cabinets. The advent of these massively parallel, non uniform machines impacts the design of the software to be executed on them, both for applications and for service tools. It is in particular the case for the software whose task is to balance workload across the cores of these architectures.

A common method for task allocation is to use graph partitioning tools. The elementary computations to perform are represented by vertices and their dependencies by edges linking two vertices that need to share some piece of data. Finding good solutions to the workload distribution problem amounts to computing partitions with small vertex or edge cuts and that balance evenly the weights of the graph parts. Yet, computing efficient partitions for non uniform architectures requires to take into account the topology of the target architecture. When processes are assumed to coexist simultaneously for all the duration of the program, this generalized optimization problem is called mapping. In this problem, the communication cost function to minimize incorporates architecture-dependent, locality improving terms, such as the dilation of each edge (that is, by how much it is “stretched” across the graph representing the target architecture), which is sometimes also expressed as some “hop metric”. A mapping is called static if it is computed prior to the execution of the program and is never modified at run-time.

The sequential Scotch tool being developed within the BACCHUS team (see Section  5.9 ) was able to perform static mapping since its first version, in 1994, but this feature was not widely known nor used by the community. With the increasing need to map very large problem graphs onto very large and strongly non uniform parallel machines, there is an increasing demand for parallel static mapping tools. Since, in the context of dynamic repartitioning, parallel mapping software will have to run on their target architectures, parallel mapping and remapping algorithms suitable for efficient execution on such heterogeneous architectures have to be investigated. This leads to solve three interwoven challenges:

  • scalability: such algorithms must be able to map graphs of more than a billion vertices onto target architectures comprising millions of cores;

  • heterogeneity: not only do these algorithms must take into account the topology of the target architecture they map graphs onto, but they also have themselves to run efficiently on these very architectures;

  • asynchronicity: most parallel partitioning algorithms use collective communication primitives, that is, some form of heavy synchronization. With the advent of machines having several millions of cores, and in spite of the continuous improvement of communication subsystems, the demand for more asynchronicity in parallel algorithms is likely to increase.

This year, our work mostly concerned the tighter integration of Scotch with PaMPA . In particular, the routines for partitioning with fixed vertices, which are mandatory in PaMPA to balance remeshing workload across processing elements that already contain some mesh data, have been redesigned almost from scratch.